With a simple-to-use and advanced in functionality parameterization, masses become Intelligent Forms that inspire the imagination and creativity of designers, enabling the creation of innovative structures.

IgentForm – license for modeling

IgentForm company specializes in creating parametric software. Currently, there are 3 programs in the public offer:

obrazek1IgentForm  – it is a unique program for parametric modeling of the structure. It is designed for engineers as a tool for rapid creation of advanced geometrical forms, as well as for architects as a tool to support the work at the conceptual stage of the project.

In IgentForm structure model consists of one or more masses whose mutual position can be determined by means of appropriate parameters (eg. The position of one mass above another or cutting one mass to another).

At the level of a single mass parameterization is subject to, among others, contour and shape of the mass, the amount of floors and roof structure. Additionally, the program IgentForm introduces the concept of structural lines (by default these are all external contour lines with the possibility to add a line inside the contour), for which you can define the structural arrangement consisting of beams, columns, walls, trusses, etc.

After each change of any parameter, model of a 3D structure is automatically regenerated and visualized in real time.

The program IgentForm allows to export  created model to the following formats:

  • RTD (connection with Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis)

  • IFC (connection with Autodesk Revit, Autodesk Concrete Building Structures (CBS), ArchiCAD and others)

  • DXF (connection with Autodesk AutoCAD and others)

  • OBJ (connection with Autodesk 3ds Max and others)

The free demo version of the program can be downloaded in the Download section

IgentDraw – is a unique program for parametric creation of reinforcement drawings. In the current version modules of plates, walls and columns are available. A typical way of working is importing a DXF background, definition of reinforcement regions (with the possibility of automatic recognition of contours from a selected layer) and setting reinforcement parameters. Reinforcement is generated and drawings are created automatically when any parameter is changed. In the case of plates and walls, the program provides, among others automatic cutting of bars to openings, division of bars taking into account lap lengths, reinforcement at an angle or the possibility of generating edge reinforcement. Real-time regeneration of the entire model after each modification ensures consistency of created documentation both at the drawing and aggregate reinforcement table levels.
The IgentDraw program allows you to export created drawings to the following formats:

  • DXF (connection with Autodesk AutoCAD and others)

  • IFC (connection with Autodesk Revit) in order to obtain 3D reinforcement model

A short description of the program’s functionality is below, and the free demo version of the program can be downloaded in the Download section

Download IgentDraw description

IgentBeam is a parametric multi-span beam calculator that enables calculations using the finite element method. These calculations are performed automatically after change of any parameter. The program enables the definition of prestressing tendons, optimization of their curve and automatic generation of cable loads. It is also possible to export such generated loads to Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis program. A short film showing the possibilities of the program can be seen at https://youtu.be/NZJQ_988YA0

IgentForm company also creates custom parametric software. Two programs have been created in this mode:
IgentGP – a program for creating documentation and 3D visualization for prestressed constructions in cooperation with GP-Projekt obrazek1

IgentPres – a program aimed at accelerating the implementation of the compression project in the field of BIM 3D documentation in cooperation with Warbud SA.

All programs can work in Polish, English and French.



IgentForm company has entered into cooperation with Robobat Afrique (www.robobatmaroc.com), which has received exclusive rights to distribute IgentForm and IgentDraw programs in French-speaking markets. Details here


IgentDraw program has been enhanced with the ability to create drawings for spread footings


The latest version of IgentForm progrm has been approved as a tool to support the design process in conjunction with Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis and Autodesk Revit and is available in the online store Autodesk AppStore (https://apps.autodesk.com/pl)


All IgentForm programs have been equipped with a digital signature


IgentForm software was presented during the international BATIMAT Construction Fair in Paris on 2022.10.03 – 2022.10.06


IgentBeam – parametric multi-span beam calculator

The IgentBeam program has been added to the offer, which enables the calculation of multi-span beams using the finite element method.


Many companies appreciate the benefits of using the BIM approach in design practice. One of them is BUREAU D’ETUDES STRUCTURALIS based in Paris, which promotes and offers solutions based on this technology. At https://structalis.fr you can find, among others a list of especially recommended plugins /programs for Autodesk Revit, including IgentForm.

Program IgentDraw , in addition to the parametric creation of drawings of plates, walls and columns, has been enhanced with the possibility of creating drawings for beams. Thanks to this, it is possible to obtain complete drawing documentation for the most common reinforced concrete elements


Program IgentForm has been approved as a design support tool in conjunction with Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis and Autodesk Revit and is available in the Autodesk AppStore online store (https://apps.autodesk.com/pl)


Thank you very much to everyone who visited our company stand during Budma 2020 Fair, which took place in Poznań in February 2020.02.04 – 2020.02.07


Attention (06.12.2019) – IgentDraw – parametric creation of reinforcement drawings for columns (description below) 

IgentDraw – parametric creation of column reinforcement drawings

06.12.2019 – In addition to the possibility of parametric creation of plates and walls drawings, the IgentDraw program has been enhanced with the ability to create drawings for columns. Using a parametric approach, creating documentation can be several times faster than using traditional tools. The possibility of working on a DXF foundation, the option of automatic recognition of column cross-sections from a selected layer, and the mechanism of reinforcement generation by assigning appropriate longitudinal and transverse reinforcement patterns mean that in a few minutes documentation can be created even for a large structure. In addition, thanks to the unique real-time regeneration mechanism of the entire model after each modification, the program ensures consistency of created documentation at both the level of drawings and the aggregate reinforcement table, which is particularly important in case of subsequent changes in the design.

Prestressed structures

30.11.2018 – One of the forms of IgentForm’s activities is the creation of specialized software for the needs of construction and architecture, based on the latest IT technologies using, among others, parallel processing capabilities.

The company IgentForm has recently started cooperation with the companyobrazek1  gp-projekt (http://www.gp-projekt.pl), specializing in the design of prestressed structures for building construction. On commission and in cooperation with gp-project an innovative program called IgentGP was created, which significantly accelerates the creation of project documentation, and one of its unique features is the ability to write generated 3D tendons in IFC format, which allows their use in projects made in BIM technology. The program allows the generation of tendons with a different number of strands with covers in all commonly used compression systems as well as the definition and generation of safety zones due to the potential drilling or punching in concrete beams.

„Increasing competitiveness requires the actual implementation of innovative solutions that allow the delivery of modern and useful products to investors, contractors and architects. Implementation of this idea would not be possible without cooperation with IgentForm, which properly understood our need and creatively and patiently worked to achieve the intended goal. This is how we imagined good and flexible cooperation.”


gp-project is a design studio providing services in the field of designing construction structures at every stage of the investment. The studio’s specialty is conceptual and optimization projects in which modern solutions and technologies are used, in particular monolithic compression. The company’s portfolio includes numerous facilities completed in Poland and abroad. More information about the company can be found at http://www.gp-projekt.pl

Companies interested in creating a dedicated, high-quality and reliable software are asked to contact us at office@igentform.com

ATTENTION: Load TakeDown

15.06.2018 – In IgentForm, the next step was done to implement the calculation capabilities according to the Load TakeDown method. To the possibility of displaying the influence surfaces, the possibility of distributing loads from plates to elements directly supporting the plates  and the possibility to export these loads to  Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis program have been added. Details in the User Zone

28/03/2018 – A new program called IgentPres has been added to the offer. It was created in response to the needs of Warbud SA, one of the largest construction companies in Poland (www.warbud.pl). The software was to help speed up the implementation of the compression project in the field of BIM 3D documentation of the currently built office facility in Warsaw. At present, in the program, based on 2D workshop drawings, it is possible to recover geometry 3D of tendons, parameterize them (anchor types, number of strands, strength parameters, protection zones) and export 3D models of these tendons to IFC format


On 16.11.2017 IgentDraw program was added to the offer designed for parametric creation of  reinforcement drawings for plates. It was created in the same technology as the IgentForm program. It has the ability to work on DXF background. The final result is the ability to save the drawing and the summary reinforcement table in DXF format. A short description of the functionality of the program can be found below, and a free demo version of the program can be downloaded in the Download section

In the current semester in the Department of Building Constructions of the University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz, the IgentForm program will be used by students for modeling of steel towers used for assembly of mobile devices. The coordinator of the project exercise is Mr MSc. Jarosław Gajewski. A short English-language video on modeling is available at  https://youtu.be/rbYPkQP4O9I

26.09.2017 at the Cracow University of Technology was presented and defended diploma thesis by Mrs. Marta Tłuścik entitled “Application of IgentForm program in the practice of parametric design and structural optimisation using BIM technology“, led by Dr Eng. Jacek Magiera. Below is a brief outline of a selected piece of work connected with modeling of one of the towers of Absolute Towers complex in Canada.



ATTENTION: Change of the name

We inform, that on 30.05.2017 the company name has been changed from IntelForm to IgentForm (new domain www.igentform.com)
During the transitional period both old and new name may exist

Free educational version
Details in section Order the program

  NOVELTIES: Possibility to generate solids based on DXF  (29.06.2017)

Details in section User zone